A spectre haunts this book-the spectre of Europe. Just as the 700 pages of Tony Blair's autobiography could not escape the shadow of Iraq, so the 700 pages of David Cameron's memoir are destined to be read through a single lens: Brexit.
For all its detailed accounts of coalition talks with the leader of the liberal Democrats or Syria debates with Barack Obama, Brexit is the story. Cameron acknowledges as much, writing several times that he goes over the events that led to the leave vote of 2016 every day, “over and over again. Reliving and rethinking the decisions, rerunning alternatives and what might-have-beens.”
Later he writes: “my regrets about what had happened went deep. I knew then that they would never leave me. And they never have.”
It's this which gives the book its narrative arc, one it shares with Blairs. Both tell the story of a man whose previously charmed path to success is suddenly interrupted, running into a catastrophe that will haunt him to his last breath.The development is the same in both cases, a series of consecutive victories--- winning his party's leadership, rebranding and modernizing that party to appeal to the centre ground, reaching Downing Street, winning re-election—only to make a decision that will wreak lasting havoc.
Cameron offers the same defence for Brexit that Blair gave for Iraq: yes, things might have turned out disastrously, but my mistake was honest, I acted in good faith, I only did what I truly believed was right.
Which is not to say that his memoir is not self-critical. On the contrary, Cameron scolds himself throughout and not only on Brexit. He writes that he often misses the wood for the trees, getting lost in policy details and failing “to see the bigger, emotional picture”.
Nevertheless, his memoir reminds you why Cameron dominated British politics for so long. The prose is, like him, smooth and efficient. The chapter describing the short life and death of Cameron's severely disable son, Ivan, is almost unbearably moving. With admirable honesty, Cameron admits that the period of mourning did not only follow his son's death but his birth,
"trying to come to terms with the difference between the child you expected and longed for and the reality that you now face." What had been a charmed life was interrupted by the deep heartbreak.
A new united Nations Environment programme (UNEP) report, jointly produced with the International Resources Panel (国际资源专家组),says that a type of unbridled international trade is having a damaging effect not only on rainforests but the entire planet. The report, which called for a raft of new Earth-friendly trade rules, found that the extraction of natural resources could spark water shortages, drive animals to extinction and accelerate climate change-all ofwhich would be ruinous to the global economy.
The economic fallout of covid-19 is just an overture to what we would see if the Earth's natural systems break down. We have to make sure that our global trade policies protect the environment not only for the sake of our planet but also for the long-term health of our economies.
With the demand for natural resources set to double by 2060, the report called on policy makers to embrace what is known as a “circular” economic model. That would see business use fewer resources, recycle more and extend the life of their products. It would also put an onus on consumers to buy less, save energy and repair things that are broken instead of throwing them directly.
While the circular model could have "economic implications" for countries that depend on natural resources, it would give rise to new industries devoted to recycling and repairing. Overall, the report predicts a greener economic model would boost growth by 8 per cent by 2060. There's this idea out there, that we have to log, mine,and drill our way to prosperity. But that's not true. By embracing circular economy and reusing material, we can still drive economic growth while protecting the planet for future generations.
Some countries, both in the developed and developing world, have embraced the concept of a circular economy. But the report said international trade agreements can play an important role in making those systems more common. It called on the World Trade Organization, which has 164 member countries, to take the environment into consideration when setting regulations. It also recommend that regional trade pacts promote investment in planet-friendly industries, eliminate "harmful" subsidies, like those for fossil fuels, and avoid undercutting global environmental accords.
Re-orienting the global environment isn't an easy job. There are a lot of vested interest we have to contend with. But with the Earth's population expected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, we need to find ways to relieve the pressure on the planet.
北京市妇女联合会(Beijing Women’s Federation)是北京地区各族各界妇女的群众组织,也是中华全国妇女联合会的地方组织。其基本职能是代表和维护妇女权益,促进男女平等。北京市妇联的最高权力机构是北京市妇女代表大会 (Beijing Women’s Congress》,每五年举行一次。北京市第十四次妇女代表大会于2019年6月18日开幕。
第一,建制度,立规章,依靠法制护航绿色发展。近年来,从生态环境损害赔偿到生态环境保护督察,从修订大气污染防治法到民法典,都充分体现绿色发展理念,并出台了 60多项相关配套制度,构建起完善的生态环境法律框架,为绿色发展提供有力支撑。
第二,治污染,调结构,坚决打好污染防治攻坚战。5年来,我国向污染宣战,实施大气,水,土壤污染防治三大攻坚战。不断创新染防治方式,不断拓展防治领域,加大防治力度。2019年,全国重点城市 PM2.5和二氧化硫平均浓度分别比 2013 年下降43%和 73%,重污染天数下降 81%。蓝天越来越多,水质越来越好,生态环境越来越美。
第三,划红线,筑牢生态屏障,夯实高质量发展的绿色基础。近年来,各地纷纷发布生态环境管控方案。如今,25%的陆地国士面积已被划入生态保护红线,并建立了 1.18 万处自然保护地,占陆地国土面积的18%。
Stop reclining your airplane seat.
Two domestic airlines already limit your ability to lean back in economy class. Even if the airline doesn't make the decision for you, it's the polite thing to do. And, most important, it's the right thing todo.
"Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits," says Simon Sapper, an organizational consultant andfrequent traveler based in London. "Period."
But click around the internet for a while, and you'll find that this debate is far from settled. Many of the blogosphere's "experts"believe it's their God-given right to recline. Ironically, the loudest seat recliners don't even fly in economy class.
So,as a public service, let's settle this argument now. Reclining your airline seat is unacceptable because we're officially out of space.It's rude – and it's wrong.
There's no space to recline. Airlines are trying to squeeze more passengers on a plane to make more money. Before airline deregulation, many economy class seats had a generous 36 inches of "pitch," a rough measure of legroom. Today, some seats have as little as 28 inches.
"I feel most folks would rather sacrifice the 2 inches of reclining backward not to have someone sitting in their lap for the distance of a flight," says Mary Camillo, a travel advisor from Middletown,New Jersey. "Airlines should instill on passengers what parents have been trying to instill in their children for years. That is, if you do not have enough to share with everyone, then wait until youdo."
Also,airlines should immediately stop using the phrase "Sit back,relax, and enjoy the flight." That's an invitation to lean backall the way. But it's a cruel joke. On two airlines – Delta andSpirit – you can't fully recline. On other airlines, you'll invadeanother passenger's personal space, which might lead to an unfriendly confrontation.
Youcan do a lot of things on a plane. For example, you can tell your life story to your seatmate. You can eat a Limburger cheese and Bermuda onion sandwich. You can press the flight attendant call button repeatedly. But all are probably bad ideas.
"Seat recline is a moral issue," says Jennifer Aspinwall, a frequent air traveler who writes the World On A Whim blog." What do youdo if the person in front of you reclines all the way? What if you turn around to discover that a 6-foot-4 passenger seated behind you? Do you eat your meal in your lap while the tray table cuts into yourstomach or do recline as well and crush the legs of the person behind you?"
Couldn'thave said it better myself. Reclining a seat is wrong.
Airlines should lock their economy seats from reclining – permanently
So if there's no room to recline your airplane seat, and it's wrong, why do so many airlines still allow it? Because if they didn't, it would be an admission that they no longer care about your comfort. Airlines are stacking you into a plane like cargo – no two ways about it.
"Iwish all airlines would eliminate the recline function," says Larry Hickerson, a retired Air Force inspector and million-miler fromPeoria, Arizona. "Since airlines went to ridiculously tight pitches, recline sets up an untenable situation."
Right now, about half the people reading this column probably want to name their firstborn after me. The other half want to kill me. And theairline folks? They're laughing.
The airline industry loves the seat reclining argument because it dividesus. And while we're arguing about 2 inches of personal space, they'rebusy collecting more money from passengers and slowly – ever soslowly – removing even more room. This debate is the perfect distraction.
Whether you think reclining your airline seat is wrong or not, let's agree onone thing: Greedy airlines got us to this point. Fighting over thescraps of space won't fix it. If we ever needed thoughtful governmentregulation, maybe it is now.
"Theairline industry loves the sea-reclining argument because it dividesus," argues Christopher Elliott. "And while we're arguing about two inches of personal space, they're busy collecting moremoney from passengers and slowly -- ever so slowly -- removing evenmore room. This debate is the perfect distraction."
Howto deal with a seat recliner
Recliningan airline seat is still allowed on most domestic flights. Here's howto deal with someone who leans into your airspace.
Askthem to lean forward. Timing and tone are important here. The momentsomeone leans back, gently tap the person on the shoulder and politely ask them if it would be possible not to recline their seat.Be. Extra. Nice.
Geta flight attendant involved. Some leaners are clever and wait for youto go to the restroom before leaning. Then they feign sleep, whichmakes you reluctant to bother them. Oldest trick in the book. You canalways ask a flight attendant for help.
Moveairplane seats. If you see another open seat in your class ofservice, feel free to move, as long as the seat belt sign isn't illuminated. You might also want to ask a flight attendant for permission. As a reminder, the seats in front of the exit row don'trecline. So usually, an exit row seat means you'll keep your legroom.And maybe, your sanity.